Our Vision
"To be your destination of choice in our community."
Our Mission
- To be the destination of choice for both customers and employees.
- Continual improvement in service, facilities, and sustainability.
- To be the heart of the community and a home away from home.
- Perceived by the community as a business and social leader.
- Where possible continue to support local businesses through supply agreements.
- Continue to provide support to local sporting an community organizations.
Our Values
Our values guide our actions everyday, they are:
- TEAMWORK - Valuing each other to achieve common goals together.
- INTEGRITY - Honoring commitments and truthfulness.
- INNOVATION - Challenging possibilities and exploring new opportunities.
- COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE - Making a difference in all that we do.
- ECONOMIC DECISION MAKING - Considering the outcome of all stakeholders.
- COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - Provide service and support to our community.
- SUSTAINABILITY - To consider our environment when making decisions.